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WEB to WAP conversion of Blesk.cz


 At the beginning of 2007 we were requested to develop the mobile version of the most popular sensational journal in the Czech Republic the Blesk.cz that belongs to the Ringier publishing group. It was a result of a long term successful cooperation with Ringier. We started our cooperation with development of the content delivery platform that was later successfully implemented on regional markets of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. At this moment we provide Ringier with mobile version of journals, preparation of the mobile content offers, print preparation of mobile content advertising and other related services.

Introduction of the Ringier publishing company

Ringier ÈR is the top publishing company in the Czech Republic with highest number of readers on the market. The journals by Ringier are being enjoyed by 3,9 millions of the Czech citizens which makes Ringier the No. 1 among the local journal publishers with the market share of 37%. On the magazine market Ringier holds the third position. Ringier ÈR is pat of the Swiss publishing group Ringier AG that is apart from the Czech Republic also active in Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam.

The portfolio of Ringier ÈR consists of 16 journals and magazines and 7 internet servers. Ringier ÈR is engaged also in other different media activities.

Introduction of Blesk.cz project

The Blesk journal was established in 1992 and since 2002 it is the best selling journal in the Czech Republic with the highest number of readers. It is a full colored journal that covers any interesting topic, providing the readers with transparent and actual news and sensations from home and worldwide complemented with extensive image materials. It regularly works with topics like traveling, health, women topics, cars and motor, education and living that are all full of tips, advices and recommendations. The Friday issue is complemented with the Blesk magazine and the Saturday issue is a summary over the past week social events.

The aim of the project
The aim of this cooperation between Ringier and MicroMedia was to develop a mobile version that would complement the existing online version of the title and offer a service that can be accessed with most of the mobile handsets in the Czech Republic in the optimized version that offers pleasant user experience. The request was to develop three sub-versions suitable for standards of all three Czech mobile operators (T-Mobile, Vodafone and Telefónica) following their specific guidelines. MicroMedia also arranged the placement of the service on the mobile portals of the operators as well as the assistance with the self promo activities of Ringier. In addition we operate the service emulator on: www.micromedia.cz/emulator/blesk.

The development phases
The first step was the definition of the scope of the work the desired results and the development of the basic user schema. Once this was approved we continued with the next step which was the development of couple design versions for Ringier to chose the one that suits them best. A compromise between fast download and impressive design was chosen where elements similar to online version were kept. Next stage after design was agreed was the definition of the communication protocol that enables transfer of the Ringier content into the MicroMedia system. The communication was based on the XML protocol and updates were set on every few hours. The next step was the comprehensive practical testing and finally MicroMedia arranged its placement on the portals of all three Czech mobile operators.


Lenka Fialková (Ringier) said: MicroMedia is our long term strategic partner in mobile technologies. We are convinced the WAP version of our journal Blesk belongs to the most interesting and successful services of this category.

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